Please refer to the Middle School handbook regarding the need for parent or doctor notes. *A parent or emergency contact must sign out the student on the Chromebook in the Office. Ask your student to bring the note to the Office as they get off the bus to trade it for a blue hall pass which they will show to their teacher 5 minutes before the planned pick-up time.
#Dublin high school attendance line full
*Send a note with your student stating what time you need them in the Office, along with their full name, the reason for leaving and your signature. What if my student needs to leave during their school day with a planned absence? *See the Middle School Student Handbook for attendance rules. Ohio law mandates we notify parents of an absence within the first 120 minutes of school. If you have not reported the absence when an attendance call is received from the system, please contact GMS. If you have reported your child’s absence through the attendance email address or the attendance voicemail, there is nothing more for you to do and no response to the automated call is necessary. If your child has not arrived at school, you will receive a call from this automated system (with the exception of a prearranged, excused absence). *Dublin City Schools uses an automated attendance calling system.

*Send an email to or call the Attendance Line at 61 to let What if my student will be absent one or two days?

*Please send an email to or call the Attendance Line at 61 to let What if my student will arrive late to school? To report an absence or late arrival, please call the Grizzell Middle School Attendance Line at 61 or email the Grizzell Attendance Office at early dismissal, please have your child bring a note to the office where he/she will be given a blue pass to leave at the scheduled time.